
Showing posts from December, 2021


 MIRACLE MANNA CHURCH, CAMP DAVID 2021 Camp David is organised by the Miracle Manna Church which is led by Pastor Obed Joy Obeng. Pastor Obed Joy Obeng (Head Pastor, Miracle Manna Church) This summit is assembled for the church workers to plan ahead and also ponder on the word of God to serve hard, diligently, and commit to the things of God and the kingdom. The three-day summit dubbed "TAKE HEED" has ended. Scripture for this summit was taken from Col 4:17. (And tell Archippus, "Take heed to the ministry that the Lord has given you, that you fulfill it." Great men of God graced the occasion, and it was a wow experience and a fulfilling encounter. Activities: Dawn prayers (Aerobics session) morning session Afternoon session Evening sacrifice This was held at the Grace Mission and Retreat Centre, Boadi-Ksi.    God be praised for the wonderful things he has done. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a r...